You will get username and password.
This is a shared account, Send me the 16-digit code After purchase, I will send you an account within 24 hours.
This is a shared account and you can have full access to it.It´s best not to log in from multiple locations.
You can check out its full features on the official website.
Don´t share this account with others.
Don´t change the password or plan、 bill.
Any changes made to the account´s details will result in voiding the warranty.
Always Warranty.If it doesn´t work (which usually doesn´t happen), I´ll replace it with a new one.
This is a shared account, Send me the 16-digit code After purchase, I will send you an account within 24 hours.
This is a shared account and you can have full access to it.It´s best not to log in from multiple locations.
You can check out its full features on the official website.
Don´t share this account with others.
Don´t change the password or plan、 bill.
Any changes made to the account´s details will result in voiding the warranty.
Always Warranty.If it doesn´t work (which usually doesn´t happen), I´ll replace it with a new one.
Notes for Shared Account :
Shipping Time: Please note that all shipments will be made within 24 hours from the date of purchase. We strive to ensure timely delivery and appreciate your understanding.
Account Warranty: Your account is covered by the warranty in the title. This will ensure that you have sufficient time to resolve any potential problems with account functionality or access.
Password Security: For security purposes, please refrain from changing the account password. Doing so may result in access issues or breaches. We advise against sharing your credentials with any third party.
Single Device Access: To maintain the integrity of the shared account, kindly limit access to one device only. Multiple logins from different devices may lead to disruptions and could potentially trigger security alerts.
Should there be any queries or concerns regarding the shared account, feel free to reach out to us directly.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
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